
{  10482867 10521088

   10539533  10702368

   10751919 }

Project Workflow


  • retrieve annotations
  • check original dataset
  • split the dataset into training/test (80% vs. 20%)

Observe the Dataset

  • have a look at the data
  • check the quality

The Features 

  • 34 columns of feature
  • 400 audio tracks
  • 80 % for training
  • 20 % for testing
  • rescaling, selection, saving

Two Classifiers: KNN & SVC

  • The process to use the classifiers: pick the right parameters --> build the classifiers -->fit with training data set
  • We use K-fold (k = 10) Cross Validation and Grid Search method to optimise the parameters for those two classifiers

Results & Conclusions

  • Here are two confusion matrix to represent the final testing result, separately for  KNN and SVC


  • Each row in the matrix is the real genre, while each column is the predicted genre category classified by the model we build

Plot 4. KNN & SVC results of Confusion Matrix

Table 3: Final Results


  • [1]Data Sets. GTZAN Genre Collection.url:http : / /

  • [2]LibROSA Documentation.url:

  • [3]NumPy.url:

  • [4]Pandas documentation.url:

  • [5]Scikit-learn.url:

  • [6] Bob L. Sturm. “The GTZAN dataset: Itscontents, its faults, their effects on eval-uation, and its future use”. In:CoRRabs/1306.1461 (2013). arXiv:1306.1461.url:

  • [7] G. Tzanetakis and P. Cook. “Musicalgenre classification of audio signals”. In:IEEE Transactions on Speech and AudioProcessing10.5 (2002), pp. 293–302

  • [8] Final Detailed Report, Music Genre Classification,

  • [9] Final Google Colab IPython Notebook, Music Genre Classification,